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Water Shut Off Tool
For 3/4” and 1” CTS Services
The Plugging Machine cuts pipe diameters from 3/4" to 1 1/4" and installs a leak-tight plug. This is done under pressure by alignments and mechanical advantages designed into the machine. The Plugging Machine works with all CTS plastic and Type K copper pipe. Once the pressurized pipe is plugged, a curb stop can be installed onto the pipe over the plug. The plug can then be removed and the valve closed. This allows one to cut and later repair a water service pipe without the need to crimp or freeze the line.
200 p.s.i. Maximum working Pressure at 100℉
250℉ Maximum Temperature Rating at 100 p.s.i.
The working pressure or temperature rating is reduced accordingly if any attachment, valve or fitting, subjected to pressure or temperature during the drilling operation, has a maximum working pressure or temperature rating less than that specified above.
● ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼” Plugs
● ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼” Blades
● ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼” Jaws
● Plug Driving Bit
● Plug Tightening Socket and Allen Drive
● Lubricating Bee’s Wax
● Plastic Case
The Machine can be used with any full bore “Ball Type” Curb Stop.